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Qnap Port List

   FTP - 21 by default and configurable.
   Passive FTP port - 55536 ~ 56559 by default and configurable
   SSH - 22 by default and configurable. 
   SMTP - 25 by default and configurable.
   Web Server/HTTP - 80; HTTPS - 8081 by default and configurable. 
   Netbios/SAMBA - 137, 138, 139, 445
   SSL/HTTPS - 443 by defualt and configurable
   AFP - 548
   Rsync - 873 by default and configurable.
   RTRR - 8899 by default and configurable
   MySQL - 3306 by defualt and configurable
   System management, Web File Manager, Multimedia Station, Download Station, Surveillance Station
   8080 by default and configurable. 
   Twonkymedia - 9000
   Telnet - 13131 by default and configurable
   BitTorrent - 6881~6999 by default and configurable.
   Syslog - 514 by defualt and configurable
   SNMP - 161 by default and configurable
   TFTP - 69 by default and configurable
   PPTP - 1723
   OpenVPN - 1194 by defualt and configurable
   RADIAUS  - monitors UDP ports 1645, 1812 (for RADIUS Authentication) and 1646, 1813 (for RADIUS Accounting) for RADIUS requests.
   LDAP Server - 389
   NFS - 2049, 111 and dynamic ports

Turbo NAS TS-439 Pro II+


Eigentlich hat die Orginale Firmware schon einen sshd, aber der will nur den user "admin" reinlassen unter anderem. Das war anfangs kein problem, bis ich git über den ipkg-manager installiert hatte und einen anderen user via ssh einloggen wollte. Eine kurze Recherche ergab, das jemand schon ein Kochrezept dafür bereitliegen hat.




Icinga Plugin

Gibt es schon, mehr dazu hier


MIB OBJECT LABEL OBJECT ID Data Type Value (Example)
MIB-2 . -
- system . -
- sysDescr.0 . OctetString "GS1910-24HP 24x1G Ethernet Switch"
- sysUpTime.0 . TimeTicks "Timeticks: (9400662) 1 day, 2:06:46.62"
- sysContact.0 . OctetString "your@email.tld"
- sysName.0 . OctetString "switch_23"
- sysLocation.0 . OctetString "Rack 3"
Interfaces . -
at . -
IP . -
ICMP . -
TCP . -
UDP . -
SNMP . -
- hrStorageSize . Integer -
- hrStorageUsed . Integer -
Enity MIB . -
MAC Adress entPhysicalSerialNum OctetString "aa-bb-cc-dd"
Firmware Version entPhysicalFirmwareRev . OctetString "V2.00(AAAY.0)C0"
NAS-MIB storage . - -
- SystemCPU-Usage . OctetString "0,90 %"
- SystemTotalMem . OctetString "989.0 MB"
- SystemFreeMem . OctetString "266.0 MB"
- CPU-Temperature . OctetString "43 C/109 F"
- SystemTemperature . OctetString "42 C/107 F"
- HdNumber-Usage . OctetString "4"
- SysFanNumber . Integer "1"
- SysFanSpeed . OctetString "1280 RPM"
- SysVolumeNumber . Integer "1"
- SysVolumeStatus . OctetString "Ready"
- HdSmartInfo .{1-4} OctetString "Good"
- HdTemperature .{1-4} OctetString " 36 C/96 F"



Fehlerbeschreibung: Es erscheint folgende Fehlermeldung beim Zugriff auf eine Freigabe via AFP: "Something wrong with the volume's cnid db using temporary cnid db instead. Check server messages for details!"

Fehlerursache: Es scheint die CNID-DB ("Catalog Node ID" Datenbank) der AFP-Freigabe Schaden genommen zu haben.

Fehlerbehebung: .AppleDB der jeweiligen Freigabe löschen via ssh, AFP erstellt den Ordner neu. QNAP Howto

ssh admin@<nas-ip>           // Als admin via ssh anmelden
find / -name cnid*           // CNID-DB`s suchen (liegen im root der Freigabe)
rm -r /pfad/zur/betroffenen/.AppleDB